Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Robert Moulton (1644-1731) lived in Salem, Massachusetts during the Witch Trials

When I noticed that my family tree contained more than two dozen people living in early Salem, Massachusetts, I could not help but wonder if any of them had any connection to the infamous witch trials of 1692. Were any of them among those executed or unfairly accused? Or, perhaps worse, were any among the accusers? I was delighted to find one ancestor who swore evidence in support of one of the accused, so I will start with that story today and investigate other possible connections over the next few weeks.

Robert Moulton was my 7th great grandfather. His father was also Robert Moulton (1607-1665) and his grandfather likewise Robert Moulton (1587-1655). It was Robert's grandfather who had emigrated from Ormsby St. Michael, Norfolk, England in 1629, bringing with him his grown son Robert who was a Church of England minister. This older immigrant ancestor was a master shipbuilder who was said to have been the first well-equipped shipbuilder to arrive in New England, building the first vessels that were built in Salem and in Medford, near Boston. Son Robert attempted unsuccessfully to establish the English church in Salem, but this was not in accord with the prevailing Puritan beliefs in New England.  Both men were active in community affairs, politics and business matters. Clearly the family were upstanding and well-respected members of the community.

The Robert of our story was the first of my direct Moulton line born on American soil, in Salem, Massachusetts in 1644. He was the second child and oldest son of Robert and Abigail (Good) Moulton. On 17 July 1672, 28 year-old Robert married Mary Cooke and started a family of his own. By the time of the 1692 witch hysteria, they had a family of eight children.

Map of Salem Village 1692
Public Domain,

First, a bit of background. There were two towns associated with the "Salem" witch trials: Salem Town and a fast-growing farming area at its northern end called Salem Village (now called Danvers). The earliest events of 1692 started in Salem Village, which contained some 500 people at the time. There would have been another 1500 or so living in Salem Town. The Village had established its own church in 1672, the same year that Robert and Abigail were married. None of its earliest ministers were ordained resulting in a good deal of instability. Late in 1689, the church finally obtained an ordained minister named Reverend Samuel Parris. Parris had spent time in Barbados and brought to Salem with him a couple of Carib Indian servants; they would have had knowledge of voodoo practices and told tales of witchcraft to the Parris daughters. Things went well with Reverend Parris at the Salem Church at first, but because of his strict religious orthodoxy, dissent soon arose. The Village found itself in turmoil within a couple of years. It is perhaps not surprising to learn that the earliest witch accusations arose in Parris's own home. Starting in February of 1692 with three young girls who experienced fits, over the next few months some 200 people were accused of witchcraft, many were tried and twenty executed.

Closeup of southwest corner of map of Salem Village showing location
of Robert Moulton's home (#138, circled in turquoise)
Salem was certainly not the only place where people were executed as witches. In those days, people in many parts of Europe and North America believed in witchcraft. Many believed the Devil himself was here on Earth. When unusual events occurred,  in the absence of an accepted scientific explanation, a person could be accused of having used sorcery or being in league with Satan. The accused were most often those already sidelined in their societies - the eccentrics and misfits, the ugly, the mentally ill. Women were accused more often than men and spinsters and barren women were an easy target, especially if they were willful or outspoken. In Salem, however, several men and pillars of the community also found themselves among the accused.

One such pillar of the community was a 71 year-old wife, mother and grandmother named Rebecca (Towne) Nurse. Always a pious and well-respected woman, she was nevertheless accused of being a witch. The Nurse family had been in a number of acrimonious disputes with the neighbouring Putnam family. On 23 March 1692, she was arrested on the basis of charges made against her by Edward and John Putnam. She protested her innocence and many in the community did come to her support, but several young girls (including Reverend Parris's daughter Betty and a young Ann Putnam) swooned with fits that they said were caused by Nurse tormenting them.

One of those who gave evidence on Nurse's behalf was my 7th great grandfather Robert Moulton. He testified that one of her young accusers named Susannah Sheldon had admitted to lying.

Testimony of Robert Moulton in the Trial of Rebecca Nurse

As with all the accused witches, she was not allowed a lawyer and had to defend herself. The examining magistrates Jonathan Corwin and John Hathorne seemed sympathetic to her cause. Even the Governor of Massachusetts at one point issued a reprieve. Nonetheless, when the swooning fits of the young girls continued, Rebecca Nurse was ultimately convicted as a witch, excommunicated from the church and sentenced to death by hanging on 19 July 1692.

Rebecca Nurse in Chains
By Freeland A. Carter, artist - The Witch of Salem, or Credulity Run Mad, by John R. Musick.
New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1893. p. 275. See [1], Public Domain,

It would be several years before the Putnam family, the church and the government issued apologies and attempted to make reparation for the wrongful death of Rebecca Nurse. Although Robert Moulton's testimony had not changed her tragic fate, at least he had had the courage to stand on the side of one of the innocents.

Sources and Further Reading:

  • Salem Witch Trials in History and Literature website located at
  • History of the Salem Witch Trials located at
  • "Gran's Family History" blog located at
  • "The Salem Witch Trials" website located at


  1. Fantastic! I too am a direct descendant of Robert Moulton former minister at Salem, MA... and I also descend from Rebecca (Towne) Nurse (she was a 9th great grandmother). Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog entry! :-) John C. Schumacher-Hardy, Lancaster, MA --

    1. Thank you for your comments, John. It's always nice to hear from distant cousins!

  2. Great read! I was also wondering about our common ancestor when I saw the dates and location of his residence. I also read somewhere that he briefly served as constable for Salem, but it didn't clarify how long. He's my 11th great grandfather.

  3. It`s always nice to hear from another cousin, Nik. I will have to look for that reference to his having been a constable for Salem; I just checked my database and don't have it mentioned there. Any other little gems that you find I would love to hear about!

  4. Moulton is also my 7th ggrandfather!

  5. Hey! I'm another cousin of yours and I am also interested in my relatives who lived in Salem during this time.

  6. Thank you for sharing. Robert Moulton is my 7 times great-grandfather as well!

  7. Thank you for sharing. Robert Moulton is my 8th great-grandfather. We have many cousins! :-)

  8. Thank you for this! Robert Moulton is my 8th great-grandfather!

  9. So nice to hear from all of these distant cousins. We all have an ancestor here to be proud of. It must have been a terrible time to be living in Salem.

  10. Hello cousins. I found your post and shared it with my sisters to tell them about a new (to us) ancestor. I didn’t make it to the bottom of the page to read your name. Is Barnard your maiden or married name? Barnard is my maiden name. Thank you for sharing our story.

  11. Thank you for your comments. No, Barnard is my married name. If you search my blog for that surname, you will find a couple of stories I've written about my husband's English ancestors; it'd be interesting to see if you find any connection there.

  12. Thanks for this! Robert Moulton is my 10th great grandfather. I am just starting my genealogy research.

  13. Thanks for the comment, cousin Jenpink. I wish you all the best of success and much enjoyment as you find yourself increasingly engrossed in your family history.

  14. Thank you for this post Joanne! Robert is my 9th great grandfather. Glad to see he was on the side of the innocence. My mother, my daughter and I are all going to Salem, Mass at the end of October (next month). We hope to see some Moulton history. We have a copy of a book entitled Family Tree the Descendants of Nye Moulton that we will be bringing with us.

  15. I hope you had a lovely visit to Salem and that you found more Moulton history.
